April 14, 2010

Market Basket Incident Report

I went to the Somerville Police this week to find out if I could get some more information about the Market Basket Site. I am pleased to report that I finally have the Incident Report.

The report goes over the last 10 years that the police have either been called to the location, arrested anyone and even citations. The less severe cases (like vandalism) greatly outnumber the severe ones (like robberies). This just to give you a taste of what the report contains: There are over 2,000 reports to the police at the Market Basket location from 2000-2010. That is more than 185 per year and 16 per month.


Nicholas Chelko said...


This is excellent architecture detective work, (though your link didn't work for me?) One might want to see how this data compares to others sections of the neighborhood, say maybe the nunziato field, which is and open area near market basket around the intersection of bow st. and summer st. A comparrison may help shape the intensity of the market basket zone. Also I wonder how many people go in and out of there a day? So the ratio of incidence per capita on a hyper local may be relatively good? Well this is good data, and I have no doubt it will turn into a nice presentation and prompt a meaningful architectural response

Jeremy said...

That is strange... It works for me. Anyway, if you want to check it out I placed in in the Documents. See you all at class.