February 8, 2010

Site 2 Drawings

Just wanted to let everyone know that I got some drawings for site 2 and uploaded them. Not sure if I did it correctly? If someone can try to open them just to let me know that they are uploaded here correctly that be great.

Also got some images from the interior and the basement of site 2 that is gutted right know, with a breakdown on the structural system, I will bring that to class and share.

Was told that the reason that many of the buildings in Union were lowered (or had the upper stories removed) was due to taxes.



Nicholas Chelko said...

It looks like you created a folder, but I do not see any files included in it?

s.kasper said...

Can you give a quick lesson on how to upload in class on Wen? I will bring the drawings/images to class.


Nicholas Chelko said...


Great suggestion, however as you now know we won't have class due to possible weather issues but, I am proposing that we all find a time this week to meet at bloc 11 in union square, and we can catch up then. At that point, I can give a blog business and maintenance tutorial.