February 10, 2010


I would like to meet sometime this week, perhaps weekend. I would propose that we make some time (1-2 hrs) to meet at bloc 11 in union square (we can also meet at the BAC I just thought it might be nice to meet in union square and maybe walk around a bit too), I can bring my laptop and give a short blog and file transfer tutorial and others can post there documentation efforts and take us through your work. I would also like to talk about the readings and lastly we should organize the production of a union square sketch up model, scope. This stage of our studio will take alot of coordination, and though I image you can all continue working through to next week, we really need to get together and stay organized.

Please comment on this post with suggested times for meeting, let me start by suggesting Friday 6 or 7pm


s.kasper said...

Friday isn't looking good for me (working on a Mar 1 Deadline), and I have appointment for a repair man between 8 and 12 Saturday morning. I would prefer 1pm Saturday if that works for others?

s.kasper said...

Also I agree Block 11 sounds like a good place to meet.

Jeremy Baldwin said...

I think Friday works for me. The weekend is going to be tough for me. I will try to post tonight.

Nicholas Chelko said...

We can also split this up by groups:

group 1 Friday at 6 or so (not too late)

group 2 sometime over the weekend?

s.kasper said...

If Nick and Wendall can make it on Saturday, I can see if we can get back into site 2. If that is cool with the two of you? Not trying to exclude the others if they would like to join. Does 1'ish sound good for the weekend meeting?

Did everyone make throught the Nor'easter yesterday?

Andrew Shelburne said...

I can meet anytime this Saturday. Meeting in Union Sq. especially at Bloc 11 is a great idea. Can we get a list of what everyone's working on? Who to working on the CAD plan; does this person need help? Can we begin to take that CAD plan into Sketchup yet? I'm more than willing to help with both.

@ Nick; perhaps you could post priorities for the information we are gathering. Or types of information i.e. urban patterns of parking niche's.

Jeremy said...

I cannot make it Saturday. I can make it Friday at 6. I will e-mail and post the cadd file (if I can figure it out) right now.

I was going to start working on tweaking some things like: add sidewalks, add lot sizes... The buildings are pretty close to reality. Some of them might not be exact. I would suggest to turn on the aerial image (layer that is currently off) if you want to start meshing it all up. If you add anything new to this file then it would be beneficial to use a new layer that you make up on your own I suggest adding the date to the layer or something. That way I can still work on this file and import anything that you do on your own. I will do the same. If anyone has suggestions, comments or issues then let me know.

Nick, please let me know if you will able to make it to the site at 6:00 tomorrow. I was thinking site 1 would be the best place to meet.

Jeremy said...

I was able to upload the cadd file. Not sure exactly where it is located but if you view "all files" then you can find it. Sorry, still learning how to do this uploading thing.