May 26, 2010


•    Consolidate vehicular access and egress by providing one driveway entrance from Carlton Street and one egress to Church Street.  This will eliminate the traffic points acting directly with Somerville Avenue, and also restore additional parking by eliminating existing curb cuts on Somerville Avenue.
•    Consolidation of utilities, water and sewer.  Redundant systems, if required, can be added more efficiently.  Life/safety systems with addressable alarms will provide better coverage and greater accuracy locating trouble spots. 
•    The 19th century historic fabric and scale of the block can be preserved as an entire block in a way that respects its past and adapts it to 21st century efficiencies and needs.
•    The revitalization of an entire block will have greater impact on the community, and be a model for the Landmark Arts zoning policy.

•    The three principle structures will be modified to allow room for construction of a new residence block at the rear property line (south), and spanning the distance from Church St. (east) to Carlton St. (west).
•    The addition of a five story residential building with a combination of 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units will provide much needed housing with variety of layouts available for different household sizes.
•    A portion of these units will qualify as “affordable housing” to encourage economic diversity and to preserve the availability of affordable housing in the Union Square neighborhood of Somerville.
•    In recognition of the high density of arts and design professionals currently living and working in Union Square, the proposal includes “live/work space” lofts for qualified artists and design professionals. 
•    A new one-story block is to house commercial/retail space with approximately 200 linear feet of frontage on Somerville Ave. and Church Street. Access will be from the sidewalks and from the rear at the driveway.
•    This proposal requires that the existing two houses be incorporated into the new commercial block. The houses shall be rehabilitated for approximately six affordable housing units.
•    The new “frontyard”, elevated above the busy street, creates an oasis for the residents that they can use as their own outdoor space for personal recreation and family activities, enhancing the sense of home.
(380 Somerville Avenue will be restored to its original form and condition)

Terry McCarthy -

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