May 26, 2010


The two main issues with the site are the feeling of disconnection from the community and the lack of public safety. In the future, another factor moving forward will be the impact of the green line extension. This will likely increase property values in the area and price people out.  The affordable housing project will enrich this diverse community now and retain the characteristics which it holds into the future.

The objective for this project is to maximize the amount of affordable housing and create spaces which bring the community together. This is accomplished by courtyards and porches. The ground floor courtyards and commercial shops will hone in on the essence of what makes Union Square unique. The porches are designed in a way that also brings neighbors together. Porches, courtyards and commercial spaces are the design ideas that connect the families to the community. When the public is brought together then people communicate. It brings more eyes to the streets and creates a safer atmosphere because there is an assimilation of people.

The existing building at 380 Somerville Avenue will remain because it is considered a historic structure. The garage in the rear of the building will be demolished and a small green space will be created for public use. The other two buildings on this block will be demolished because they provide limited opportunities for maximizing the amount of housing. The buildings will be split up into three groups: the existing building at 380, a front building and a rear building. The new front building and rear building will be 5 stories. The ground floor will only be commercial use and will draw in the people from Somerville Avenue. The rear building is split from the front building to draw in the people from Market Basket. The upper four floors of both buildings will be affordable residences. One objective in this design is to create a design without any ‘double loaded’ corridors. This will bring people out to the porches and courtyards and bring neighbors and together. The final design will have a total of 40 apartment units and several commercial properties. The final product will be a transformation from an underutilized site that was disconnected from the community to a site that connects Market Basket to the essence of Union Square.

Jeremy Baldwin -

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