I have been developing the existing layout for 388 Somerville Ave. This is located in the middle of Site 1. Viewing the site from the Somerville Ave. side, it has the empty lot on the left side and a smaller buidling on the right side. Unfortunately I am unable to gain access to the building because it is all private residences. So I am forced to do some investigating to find out a reasonable floor plan setup. There are many steps needed to find out how the building is set up. The first step was to simply see how many mailboxes there are and how many door bells. I concluded that there are 8 apartments inside this building. If you check out the assessing information here, you will notice that there are 8 bathrooms, 8 bedrooms and 24 total rooms. Since I concluded there are 8 apartments, all of them have to be 1 bedroom apartments. Now the next step is figuring out where the stairs are located. I think everything else will fall into place after that.
I am sorry if all the links didn't work properly... I keep getting some error message that says html: meta not allowed... Whatever that means... I tried redoing this thing 3 times but keep getting the same message