May 26, 2010
5 models for developing affordable housing in union square by students from the advanced studio at the Boston Architectural College
Over the past 4 months, students from the Boston Architectural College’s Advanced Studio have been investigating issues that impact the development of affordable housing in Somerville. This studio proposes 5 models for the rehabilitative development of existing structures, in an effort to locate affordable housing opportunities along the proposed Green Line corridor.
Please comment on the students work you see below.
The two main issues with the site are the feeling of disconnection from the community and the lack of public safety. In the future, another factor moving forward will be the impact of the green line extension. This will likely increase property values in the area and price people out. The affordable housing project will enrich this diverse community now and retain the characteristics which it holds into the future.
The objective for this project is to maximize the amount of affordable housing and create spaces which bring the community together. This is accomplished by courtyards and porches. The ground floor courtyards and commercial shops will hone in on the essence of what makes Union Square unique. The porches are designed in a way that also brings neighbors together. Porches, courtyards and commercial spaces are the design ideas that connect the families to the community. When the public is brought together then people communicate. It brings more eyes to the streets and creates a safer atmosphere because there is an assimilation of people.
The existing building at 380 Somerville Avenue will remain because it is considered a historic structure. The garage in the rear of the building will be demolished and a small green space will be created for public use. The other two buildings on this block will be demolished because they provide limited opportunities for maximizing the amount of housing. The buildings will be split up into three groups: the existing building at 380, a front building and a rear building. The new front building and rear building will be 5 stories. The ground floor will only be commercial use and will draw in the people from Somerville Avenue. The rear building is split from the front building to draw in the people from Market Basket. The upper four floors of both buildings will be affordable residences. One objective in this design is to create a design without any ‘double loaded’ corridors. This will bring people out to the porches and courtyards and bring neighbors and together. The final design will have a total of 40 apartment units and several commercial properties. The final product will be a transformation from an underutilized site that was disconnected from the community to a site that connects Market Basket to the essence of Union Square.
Jeremy Baldwin -
• Consolidate vehicular access and egress by providing one driveway entrance from Carlton Street and one egress to Church Street. This will eliminate the traffic points acting directly with Somerville Avenue, and also restore additional parking by eliminating existing curb cuts on Somerville Avenue.
• Consolidation of utilities, water and sewer. Redundant systems, if required, can be added more efficiently. Life/safety systems with addressable alarms will provide better coverage and greater accuracy locating trouble spots.
• The 19th century historic fabric and scale of the block can be preserved as an entire block in a way that respects its past and adapts it to 21st century efficiencies and needs.
• The revitalization of an entire block will have greater impact on the community, and be a model for the Landmark Arts zoning policy.
• The three principle structures will be modified to allow room for construction of a new residence block at the rear property line (south), and spanning the distance from Church St. (east) to Carlton St. (west).
• The addition of a five story residential building with a combination of 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units will provide much needed housing with variety of layouts available for different household sizes.
• A portion of these units will qualify as “affordable housing” to encourage economic diversity and to preserve the availability of affordable housing in the Union Square neighborhood of Somerville.
• In recognition of the high density of arts and design professionals currently living and working in Union Square, the proposal includes “live/work space” lofts for qualified artists and design professionals.
• A new one-story block is to house commercial/retail space with approximately 200 linear feet of frontage on Somerville Ave. and Church Street. Access will be from the sidewalks and from the rear at the driveway.
• This proposal requires that the existing two houses be incorporated into the new commercial block. The houses shall be rehabilitated for approximately six affordable housing units.
• The new “frontyard”, elevated above the busy street, creates an oasis for the residents that they can use as their own outdoor space for personal recreation and family activities, enhancing the sense of home.
(380 Somerville Avenue will be restored to its original form and condition)
Terry McCarthy -
Throughout Union Square there are many underutilized spaces. These spaces are often parking spaces connected to high use pedestrian sidewalks. Some of these inlets are derived from historical conditions where deep sites at the rear of the property where used for light farming or to stable animals. As density increased owners often built second houses or other structures in the rear of the property. Most of these spaces are connected by alleys; the alleys act as a type of corridor into the space. Often European cities have utilized these “back door” spaces by activating their edges either as a square for various business interests, other storefront related uses, semi-public and public green space.
The garage space is arguably the most flexible space in a building; the uses are vast. I proposed designing garages as a model for the edge of the open inlet spaces. Garages are conducive for start up type businesses and artist studios. The design proposed includes potential living space above the garage creating a work, live opportunity. Space above this model would be additional housing. Although cars are able to access the garages this is not the intention of the overall program.
• Create space for businesses in underutilized space specifically for mom and pops level establishments.
• Create open space that could serve the function of community gathering.
• Create opportunities for affordable housing in the proposed building.
• Articulate southern exposure.
• Create open space within the site for pedestrians to walk through the site instead of around it.
• Create opportunities for restaurant or cafĂ©.
• Address the continuation of the street wall.
• Address the pedestrian approach from the Market Basket parking lot.
• Vehicle access; vehicles are able to drive into the site via two streets that cross the site. However in order to maintain the pedestrian nature of the site I propose limiting access to a tenant and tenant service vehicles only. This can be achieved with bollards at the main entrances which drop into the ground to allow access.
Andrew Shelburne -
Union Square is one of the oldest squares in Boston. Through the years it has changed and evolved into what is now a well balanced “micro community” that others areas try and reproduce. Union Square possesses one of the largest artist/design communities in the Boston Metro area, due to its present affordability. The future extension of the Green Line will add a new element to the square that may unbalance the symbiosis of present conditions. Many land owners are looking forward to the new connection to city of Boston that the T will provide. City offices are currently looking at the effect that this new broadening of the Green Line will have for the economic development of the square, but few are looking to preserve the culture that is already present in Union Square. If the affordability of the square changes, the artist community will have to move to other places to be able to work and live. With this possible exodus of these key contributors to the local community, the culture and style they impart to the community will likely be gone. By establishing areas in the square now, as “artist preserves”, we can safeguard the square from the possible evacuation of culture.
This site abuts a very busy intersection, with problems from the vehicle traffic and its byproducts; noise and light. It is not a site that young families may feel safe to allow their children to run and play along the street. But for an artist the site is ideal, the vibrant social activity on the street with existing stores that support the local artist. These retail stores below provide a connection to the community, and at the same time a buffer for the artist. The noise from studio space above won’t draw the same un-welcomeness it would if these “artist preserves” where located in a more residential part of Union square.
The sidewalk below is already a local community meeting area. A place where neighbors can socialize not because of planned meeting but because of the chance meeting. Artists would add to this social phenomenon that is already happening at the site. By providing a gallery space in this building it could connect the other residents of Union Square to the local artists.
There are numerous sites within Somerville that this prototype could be adapted to.
S. Kasper -
Union Square is a diverse community made up of many different cultures. What make this area so unique are the people who convey their freedom to live the American dream. Uniting all cultures defines the authenticity of the Square, making it an attraction for genuine entrepreneurial start-ups.
New zoning has classified Union Square as a Commercial Corridor and Arts Overlay District. This zoning classification encourages commercial/retail along the ground floor and provides development incentives for art related industries. The city also intends to redirect vehicular traffic patterns and maximize safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. The redesign of traffic patterns along with the development of the Union Square Green Line station will provide the infrastructural changes necessary to encourage new development.
The design goal of this affordable housing addition to the existing Eberle Building is to connect future residents with the excitement and diversity of the Square. This location has a great potential to become a landmark for Union Square.
The proposal of four additional levels will maximize the gross square footage (habitable space) as allowed by new zoning, passed in April 2009. The open area patios share a social connection with the heart of the Square; allow visibility from many angles of the streetscape while not increasing the building gross square footage. Double level loft spaces may seem small in terms of square footage size, but will feel larger with high ceilings and generous volumes; bringing that excitement from the streets of Union Square into the units and enhancing the social connection. The new zoning ordinances may constrain square footage by limiting the allowable floor area ratio, however, opportunities exists to create spacious volume and community patios wile using minimal floor area.
Wendall Chin -
May 13, 2010
+ Email by Sunday the following items:
- Microsoft Word Document containing you the title of your project, synopsis, bullet point summery of proposals, and contact information
-3 vignettes illustrating the major issues (hard/soft) and your architectural/planning response
+ Deliver to J. J. Sullivan 346 Somerville Ave, around 12 noon, Wednesday May 19th, a 24"x36"x1/2" composition printed on bond paper and firmly fixed/adhered/mounted in landscape orientation on honeycomb board. This composition should attempt to illustrate the scope of your entire project however, only include the work that will be legible from the sidewalk, (ie: big images, diagrams, site sections, program layouts/plans, and others expressions of you design response.) Process, studies, and other work from the semester can be submitted on a CD (see below) and will be included in the source-book for Jeremy.
+Meet outside J.J. Sullivan at 6:30pm, for a wrap discussion. Please bring with you a CD with all of your previous assignments, sketches, diagrams, graphs, studies, iterations, and other reasonably presentable work. This work will be archived and presented to the SCC as a source-book for developing in CCD zoned neighborhoods.
May 11, 2010
May 10, 2010
Exhibit at J.J.SULLIVAN 346 Somerville Ave.
The exhibit will run for roughly a month beginning on May 19th. Please stop by and see our work!
May 7, 2010
Retail Frontage

- Six story residence block at the rear property line (south), and spanning the distance from Church St. (east) to Carlton St. (west).
- One-story commercial block at the front northwest corner of the site. utilize existing curb-cuts for direct and continuous driveway access from Kilby Street to Church Street.
This proposal requires that the existing two houses be raised to make way for the new commercial block. The houses shall be rehabilitated for approximately six affordable housing units. These units will share the new "frontyard" with the wraparound "planter cornice" and be accessed by a dedicated street level entrance. These features are shown in the perspective sketch and section.
April 25, 2010
April 21, 2010
Guest Review
I have posted the drawing requirements for this presentation. Try and focus on quantity and clarity.
April 20, 2010
Precedents/Zoning Studies

I am working on images showing the difference of a FAR of 3 to a FAR of 3.25

388 Somerville Ave.

I have been developing the existing layout for 388 Somerville Ave. This is located in the middle of Site 1. Viewing the site from the Somerville Ave. side, it has the empty lot on the left side and a smaller buidling on the right side. Unfortunately I am unable to gain access to the building because it is all private residences. So I am forced to do some investigating to find out a reasonable floor plan setup. There are many steps needed to find out how the building is set up. The first step was to simply see how many mailboxes there are and how many door bells. I concluded that there are 8 apartments inside this building. If you check out the assessing information here, you will notice that there are 8 bathrooms, 8 bedrooms and 24 total rooms. Since I concluded there are 8 apartments, all of them have to be 1 bedroom apartments. Now the next step is figuring out where the stairs are located. I think everything else will fall into place after that.
I am sorry if all the links didn't work properly... I keep getting some error message that says html: meta not allowed... Whatever that means... I tried redoing this thing 3 times but keep getting the same message
April 15, 2010
Test Post
April 14, 2010
Market Basket Incident Report
The report goes over the last 10 years that the police have either been called to the location, arrested anyone and even citations. The less severe cases (like vandalism) greatly outnumber the severe ones (like robberies). This just to give you a taste of what the report contains: There are over 2,000 reports to the police at the Market Basket location from 2000-2010. That is more than 185 per year and 16 per month.
April 11, 2010
Affordable Housing Development Competition
Jeremy Wilkening has passed along the students proposal for the Kiley Barrel site in Union Square (you can find it in our studio document/readings folder or click here).
The nature of this exercise demands an enormous amount of teamwork and coordination. The depth of the proposal from SCC's group illustrates the diverse range of factors to be considered when developing in urban corridors. This proposal also demonstrates the degree to which projects are realized prior to the architectural design process. I imagine that many of the students who put this proposal together have training in architectural design however, the exercise is ultimately focused on feasibility related to costs. With that said, this report is shaped nicely by local census data from the U.S. Census Bureau , market analysis, funding sources, proforma analysis, apartment layout studies, sustainable systems consideration, cultural context analysis and even data from a survey they wrote.
April 7, 2010
Connections & Meeting Area

I chose to share these two images, because I feel that they run in parallel but not necessarily hand in hand. The idea of expanding the "meeting space" issue by utilizing the issue of "connection" will be a challenge.
April 6, 2010
Refined Insecurity

These are two previous mappings/drawings that I felt needed a minimal amount of revision because they seemed to work well visually. I did add the descriptions to the bottom to clarify the point I am trying to convey. I think these insecurity observations can be studied further and implemented into the design. One of the next steps may be to discover why certain places do not give the sense of insecurity.
April 3, 2010
'Double Loaded' Reading
The reading for this week " the story of the efforts of one American architectural practice to get developer-clients to break out of the deeply entrenched conventions of housing design to accept not-more-costly architectural alternatives to the drab and oppressive double-loaded corridor. It is meant to suggest that architects can help improve everyday American architecture through their deliberate and theoretically self-conscious imagination of better options, their economic realism, and their powers of rational persuasion...".
Urban Designer Tim Love and his band of pragmatist visioneers at Utile, Inc. cultivate design agency through adopting the shop talk of their developer/clients. Making a case for 'market differentiation', Utile, Inc. operates within real-estate development principles to promote new typologies for urban housing. The Trolley House project in south Boston seems to be the most illustrative realization of Love's practice.
April 2, 2010
Walkable Maping

Found this Map of Boston showing the the walkablility tied in with the transit system. It is from
April 1, 2010
Urban Scale/Patterns
March 11, 2010
Bicycling & Google Maps
Well now Google Maps now has a bicycle filter for directions. I just tried it and it seems to work well.
Here is the link:
March 9, 2010
Very Soft Analysis

The soft analysis that I focused on last week came to fruition from multiple visits to the site. The data I collected was very soft because it came from conversations with people and my own interpretations of feeling in and around the site.
While sitting in from of site one for a couple hours (in front of Halal Meat & Grocery Store). I noticed that there was a lot of activity in and out of the residential portion of the building. The people entering were between 20 – 45 years old. The people that entered the building were a bit “sketchy” mainly because they spent about one to two minutes inside. It leads me to believe that there might be some drug deals going down inside. It may have been something else, but that activity opened up my eyes a bit.
I then spoke with a woman that worked inside the nick nack store called Ladies Handbags, Electronics, Ornaments and Fashion Wear. I asked her several questions but the highlight of the conversation was that she wishes the area was a little safer. She said that people were poor in the area and that she had been broken into several times. The store had absolutely no activity when I sat in front for two hours and she said that is pretty much the busiest it ever gets. It is a surprise to me how a store like this stays open. Another item that I found intriguing in our conversation was that this store used to be located in Davis Square. She said that the rent became too expensive in that area and they were forced to move to Union Square.
Along with this interview are the simple diagrams of my feelings around the site. The images are the highlights of my diagrams.
I actually just found this crime report website. Maybe it could be helpful moving forward with analysis:
March 4, 2010
Design as Social Activism
March 3, 2010
Community Organiztions & Affordable Opportunities
Some of the main pages that have good information were:
MA Affordable Housing Lotteries Site:
City of Somerville Affordable Housing Page:
Beacon St. Home Lottery:
Endicott Ave Home Lottery:
List of Somerville Housing Organizations:
The Union Square Main Street Site that is already linked to the blog, had some of the best information about Union Square itself: business, art, events, history, etc. Some of the history and architectural links:
Because of the art/design influence of the local community in Union Square, The Arts Council, is another source for what is going in the area. Fringe, is a group of artist and designers that currently work and live in the Union Square area. (I had a chance to talk with some of these people Monday night after the City Meeting). The main issue that I found in research and talking to people, is the abilty to keep the artistic and creative people in Union Square once the Green Line comes in 2014.
See everyone tonight.
March 1, 2010
February 25, 2010
Population Demographics: Age, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Religious Affiliation, Income
Historic Use
Affordable Opportunity
Transportation Access
Funding Sources
Education / Enrollment / Graduation Rate
Sexual Orientation
Family Size
Immigration Status / Generation
Community Representation
Relevant Organizations
Commercial Revenue
February 16, 2010
Real Estate Development
Jeremy Wilkening, Somerville Community Corporation, Director of Real Estate Development
Studio 505, The Boston Architectural College 320 Newbury Street
February 13, 2010
Made in Somerville
February 11, 2010
Site 2: Saturday 1pm Bloc 11
I will present Exercise 2, we will talk about Exercise 1. I will have my computer, so bring a disk/jump-drive or load any images to the 'Studio Documents' site. And we will ofcourse walk around and visit the sites. I cannot require that you join us but I know we could all use the time to catch up and get some direction. I have tried to accommodate everyone who articulated there schedules. Look for more postings about Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 as this is a cumulative effort.
Image was taken from
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